Orlando Paleo Diet Meetup Group
Get your morning coffee at Panera, at the Fashion Square Mall. Panera is good for coffee, Wi-Fi, and classical music, though, as you might guess, the sugary, gluten-filled baked goods were not exactly lifted from Sarah Fragoso's book Everyday Paleo. This 1:15 hour slot should be great for those who have a problem attending evening activities, and if you're a little late, no sweat. We all have different schedules. If you can come for part of it, or all of it, we're happy to see you!
This is also a great way for newcomers to take a look at some popular Paleo books, which will be available for you to take a look at. We'll meet near the entrance from the mall. See you there!
Orlando, FL - USAMonday, September 21 at 8:00 AM
Attending: 1
Details: http://www.meetup.com/Orlando-Paleo-Diet-Meetup-Group/events/225049768/